
What volunteer opportunities exist for interested parents?

BMBT is a volunteer organization, hence it relies on parents to volunteer to maintain continuity from season to season.  Current team needs include: treasurer, help with tent setup and cleanup, contributing team snacks, help with recruiting sponsors and fundraising, coaching, end of season party and recognition of riders and coaches. We also ask that you sign up and volunteer for the League on race days.  Thank you for your support!

Why am I being asked to volunteer for the League on race days?

The League also is a volunteer-based organization that only functions with volunteer help on race days! Team placement and early setup times in the Pit Zone are based on the number of volunteers from each team on race weekends. For every six student athletes participating in a race, we must fill one volunteer position. Optimal or desirable Pit Zone locations are given to those teams with the most volunteers. Additionally, signing up for volunteer positions early in the season also contributes to Pit Zone location. 

Potential race weekend volunteer opportunities are:

NICA Race Volunteer Guidelines

Announcing Assistant Volunteer 

Course Setting 

Course Marshal 

Feed Zone Marshal 

Finish Line Support Crew 

Infield Set-Up 

Parking Volunteer 

Registration Volunteer 

Scoring Assistant 

Staging Official 

Sweeper Volunteer